Dr Mothomang Diaho qualified as a medical doctor at the University of Adelaide, Australia 37 years ago. She subsequently specialised in public health and completed a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of the Witwatersrand and a Programme for Management Development at the Harvard Business School.

She founded the Spiral Aloe clinics https://spiralaloe.co.za/summit/ to focus on holistic Health and Wellness interventions and consulting in both individuals and organizations. She is a qualified Gestalt practitioner and Coach. She is passionate about preventative medicine and beliefs that lifestyle is the real medicine.  Mothomang, has facilitated Leadership Development Programmes with Duke ED, USB ED and various Government and Civil Society Organizations and has been a guest Lecture at the Wits School of Public Health for the MPH Programme.

She published booklets on Community conversations during her time at the Nelson Mandela Foundation https://www.nelsonmandela.org/publications/category/community-conversations Mothomang is a Fellow of the African Leadership Initiative www.africanleadership.net and is a Founding Member of TEACH South Africa. She serves on Private and Public boards.